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why pump concrete

What are the advantages of using a concrete pump in the concrete marketplace today?
  • "Why Should I Pump My Concrete?"

    A concrete pump places concrete faster with less labor than any other method. You can save money and free up valuable personnel for other duties. Direct placement without re-handling improves concrete quality and reduces labor. A concrete pump causes less congestion than most other methods.

  • "Pumps Are Not Reliable, They Break Down. What Then?"

    A modern concrete pump in the hands of a professional concrete pumping operation is very reliable. The break-down factor is about 1%. With the widespread use of concrete pumps, you can generally get a replacement pump quickly, even if from a different company. Concrete pumping companies work together to be sure the customer is serviced. Most pumpers carry spare parts and can fix most problems quickly.

  • "Will I Need A Special Mix?"

    Modern concrete pumps will pump most standard mixes. If a mix has to be changed, it generally will not require additional cement or expense, as the requirements a pump needs -- a well-graded, homogeneous, dense mix -- are things that are important for good concrete. Good concrete -- good to finish, good to place -- generally pumps good.

  • "But I Don't Have Money In My Budget For A Pump."

    The total picture must be looked at. If you can decrease total construction time, you can save money in things like job overhead, equipment rental, and most important, construction interest charges.

  • "Are Pumps Safe?"

    When used properly, a pump is safer than other methods. You don't have two tons of concrete swinging or dropping, wrenched backs or tripping accidents associated with buggies. Request only ACPA Certified Concrete Pump Operators. The certification of operators is highly safety oriented.

  • "I Have A High-Rise --- Pumps Won't Perform On High Placements"

    Not true. Modern pumps will perform on buildings of any height. The tallest buildings built in this decade were pumped, even in excess of 1,000 feet high. Capacities in excess of 50 yards per hour can be realized over 500 feet high.

  • "I'm Pouring A Bridge Deck And I Cannot Have Any Interruptions."

    The speed and reliability of the modern big concrete pumps make it ideal for bridge decks. The placement allows the bridge-finishing machine to go faster because it's not struggling to move piles of low slump concrete. This speeds up unloading time, reducing the risk time limits being exceeded. The extra speed of a pump, up to 200 cubic yards per hour, allows the pump to "catch up" if you need to get the concrete on the deck in a hurry.

  • "My Finishers Can Only Take 30 Yards Per Hour, So I Use Buggies. I Don't Need High Volume."

    The steady flow of the pump often increases the productivity of the finishers because of the lack of interruptions and delays. Labor savings are realized by the elimination of the need to build runways, move runways, and reduction in mucking and vibrating.

  • "I Can Rent A Crane A Lot Cheaper Than A Concrete Pump."

    True, the crane is cheaper per hour, but it requires more labor such as spotters, two men to dump the bucket --- even signalmen. It also requires more people to handle the concrete once it is dumped, such as muckers. But more importantly, it simply takes longer. On a big pour the savings of overtime alone will pay for the pump. In winter months when the temperature drops late in the day, concrete setting time slows down. Getting the concrete in place quick is critical.

  • "I Have A Crane On The Job And I Can't Afford To Let It Sit."

    A crane can be used for a variety of tasks, tasks that generally can only be done with the crane. By allowing the crane to work on other tasks, and with other trades, efficiency improves. Often the job duration is controlled by hook time. Savings in the job overhead and construction financing costs can more than pay for the cost of pumping.

For the most efficient and cost effective method of placing concrete in the construction industry today...

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